niQin shared an aphorism: “人要学会走路,也要学会摔跤,而且只有经过摔跤,才能学会走路。” 对于一个人来说,这正是磨练。给生活添点料,经过千锤百炼的人生,更加耐人寻味。 -- 佚名
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Algorithm & Library 养老公寓健康检测设备(嵌入式软硬件开发,非上位机软件) 智城 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 10:22:49+08:00

Investment: 15000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 258

Project keys/tags: Not setting

开发内容包括: 1)睡眠检测主板; 2)红外控制板;睡眠检测主板软件功能: 1)呼吸心跳检测; A.选型为云帆瑞达60g雷达 2)睡眠时长统计(睡眠质量打分); 3)二氧化碳检测; B.采用工业级,需要一定灵敏度用于后期判断屋内是否存在缺氧情况; 后期硬件方案需要共同选型确认传感器灵敏度。 4)温湿度检测; 5)远程通话; 通讯采用wifi形式,可以接受正常网络延迟。 6)WIFI+蓝牙网关模组; a.睡眠检测主板可以作为网关,采用网线上传数据,红外控制板与睡眠检测主板蓝牙连接方式;主板硬件要求: 1)防水功能; 使用环境为6平方浴室; 2)typc供电; 配件: 1)红外模块; a.采用蓝牙SIG- MESH与主板无线连接;网关参考:https://gitcode.csdn.net/65aa449cb8e5f01e1e45005e.html?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.3&utm;_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none- task- blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromBaidu%7Eactivity-3-115535483-blog-126896772.235%5Ev43%5Epc_blog_bottom_relevance_base2&depth;_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none- task- blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromBaidu%7Eactivity-3-115535483-blog-126896772.235%5Ev43%5Epc_blog_bottom_relevance_base2&utm;_relevant_index=4 wifi功能参考: https://blog.csdn.net/tiandiren111/article/details/107035300

Web 用python+django5开发主要用于信息查询的网站 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 08:20:23+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 628

Project keys/tags: python django bootstrap


Algorithm & Library DMX512电脑端控制灯具单灯单控 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 08:15:24+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 670

Project keys/tags: Not setting

10000个灯具 灯具的功率1W 灯具是DMX512通讯协议 需要开发支持该协议的电脑端控制平台,可实现单灯单控(意思是可以实现单一一个灯的开与关,也可以实现统一所有灯具的开和关 。要在软件上做成3级页面 10000个灯具分多几个区域 在编号,

Algorithm & Library ChinaSin SQ IM 聊天系统“音视频”需求 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 08:07:13+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 980

Project keys/tags: Not setting

ChinaSin SQ IM 聊天系统“音视频”需求 1.根据现有的 ChinaSin SQ IM 聊天系统要求:源生开发拨打与接听语音/视频/线上会议等“音视频”系统功能。开发系统要求: A) Android:安卓使用 Java 源生开发。 B) IOS: 苹果使用 Object-C 源生开发。 2.源生开发“即时通讯”推荐功能。比如:拔打语音或视频的对方,在接听来电对方的手机是待机状态, 要听到拔打对方来电响声的指示。 3.绝对不允许使用任何第三方的接口或第三方的SDK 等操作,要求实实在在的源生开发功能系统。 4.诚实合作的商家公司及个人伙伴,必须与我们现在开发的合作技术人员相互配合,ChinaSin SQ 系统上的其他功能适配开发等事宜。 2024/10/01 5\. 联系方式: 微信 chinasin91517788 陈先生安排发送“后端”需求。以及“后端”源代码。需要在本地可以先跑得起来。才可以继续商谈。谢谢合作。

App Firebase Integration with React Native App freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 07:14:47+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 268

Project keys/tags: javascript react-native typescript google-firebase

Hey, we are looking for a hard-working talented person to integrate some of firebase services. I will provide you with json-like files, and others to guide you and make it easier on you! This also might be a full time job soon, quality of work, collaboration, and communication are super important for you to get a chabce to be one of the team! Firebase Auth - Authenicate users Firebase Firestore - storing data Firebase Storage - storing medias Google Analytics - Analyze user behaviour, and growth Google ML - Classify content Stripe - Recive and pay Ads Resource Integration - Docs will be provided Estimated time to get the job done: Within 3-4 days Budget: within 3 days delivering: 70$, 4 days delivering: 60$ Let's work it out, it is easier then it sounds like!

Algorithm & Library Vue.js Developer Needed for API Bug Fix freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-17 07:09:39+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 238

Project keys/tags: javascript vue-js jquery-prototype vue-js-framework ajax

I'm facing some data submission errors in my Vue.js application, specifically during API interactions. This issue is affecting the overall functionality of the app, and I need a skilled Vue.js developer to help troubleshoot and resolve these bugs quickly. Ideal Skills: \- Proficient in Vue.js \- Experience with API interactions \- Strong problem-solving skills Please bid only if you can start right away. Thank you.

Algorithm & Library 部署一个Windows下的开源大模型 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-16 12:07:58+08:00

Investment: 100000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 1334

Project keys/tags: python java

1、有个大模型项目,可以采用开源大模型; 2、部署环境为Windows,检索效率可以低一点,能正常使用及运行即可; 3、资源处理:需要将本地的一些文本资源加载到大模型中,然后能检索即可。 4、需要在Windows部署成功过开源大模型,而且有例子,部署环境我们提供。 5、工期为3-10天左右。如果真正干过类似任务的人,3天即可完成。 6、可以是个人或者实际的开发人员。

Algorithm & Library 三维重建软件 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-16 08:03:19+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 954

Project keys/tags: Not setting

软件需求: 可以通过模型的图片,进行还原重建 图片是由多个相机环绕模型,从模型底部到模型顶部拍摄完成 模型主体材质为混凝土,表面可能存在铁质或其他材质的物体,软件可以将其都还原出来 可以显示模型的尺寸等数据,有参考物 可以对模型进行保存 可以对重建后的模型进行对比,可以显示模型的不同之处,例如一个有头发丝,另一个没有,要标注出来 生成三维模型,标注出相应异常数据,自动分类并标注出异常结果(如裂缝,孔洞) 生成异常清单(例如:多少裂缝,分别是多大,位置在哪) 裂缝0.3MM以上或以下都需要提示并标注, 模型重建属于本地运行,不能连接外部网络

Algorithm & Library 信息化项目申报审批管理平台需求分析以及UI设计 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-16 08:01:01+08:00

Investment: 4000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 1016

Project keys/tags: java

要求必须具备政府信息化项目申报管理相关系统的需求设计和原型设计经验,了解政府信息化项目的预算申请和审批过程,远程一起参与整理项目系统的需求,撰写需求说明书以及能够完全快速的进行原型设计。 无需现场沟通,远程沟通交流,完成任务。

Algorithm & Library 基于gazebo和ros的水下机器人仿真环境搭建 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-16 07:59:52+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 942

Project keys/tags: python c++

1、构建gazebo支持的推进器模型及其插件,可以通过插件调节推力。 2、构建水下机器人的基本水动力插件,例如重力浮力,阻尼和流。 3、搭建多种推进器布置的水下机器人,基于四元数设计悬停控制器,在仿真环境中开展仿真。

Algorithm & Library 三维模型重建软件 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-16 07:58:51+08:00

Investment: 10000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 824

Project keys/tags: Not setting

制作一款模型重建软件 可以通过模型的图片,进行还原重建 图片是由多个相机环绕模型,从模型底部到模型顶部拍摄完成 模型主体材质为混凝土,表面可能存在铁质或其他材质的物体,软件可以将其都还原出来 可以显示模型的尺寸等数据,有参考物 可以对模型进行保存 可以对重建后的模型进行对比,可以显示模型的不同之处,例如一个有头发丝,另一个没有,要标注出来 生成三维模型,标注出相应异常数据,自动分类并标注出异常结果(如裂缝,孔洞) 生成异常清单(例如:多少裂缝,分别是多大,位置在哪) 裂缝0.3MM以上或以下都需要提示并标注, 模型重建属于本地运行,不能连接外部网络

Algorithm & Library AI Voice Detector for Scam Prevention freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:38:05+08:00

Investment: 900 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 216

Project keys/tags: mobile-app-development ios-development ai-hw-sw android-app-development automatic-speec-recognition

I am looking for an expert in AI and voice detection systems to help build a voice detection tool that identifies potential scammers attempting to solicit bank details and personal information. Key Responsibilities: \- Recommend the most suitable AI model for voice detection, whether a pre-trained or custom- built model. \- Design and implement the voice detection tool in the apps development. \- Ensure the tool only supports English, focusing on understanding and detecting scams in this language. \- The winner must submit in apps. apk file. Your expertise in AI and voice recognition technology will be instrumental in the success of this project. Experience in developing similar detection systems is a plus. I am open to your professional recommendation regarding the type of AI model to use. ...

Algorithm & Library AI Consulting Chatbot for Document Analysis freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:34:58+08:00

Investment: 1200 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 203

Project keys/tags: nodejs react-js vue-js openai optical-character-recognition

Project Title: AI-Powered Expert Consultation Platform with Real-Time Chatbot and Document Analysis Project Overview: We want to build a SaaS platform similar to JustAnswer, where users can ask questions and receive answers from AI acting as professionals (e.g., lawyers, doctors). The AI should be capable of receiving, scanning, and analyzing documents (such as legal or medical files) and providing real-time responses. The system should mimic human-like responses with a slight delay to give the impression of an actual live representative. The platform should also offer a free trial or a low entry fee model, similar to $1 for the first consultation, to convert users. Key Features and Requirements: 1\. Interactive AI Chatbot: Human-Like Interaction: The chatbot should act like a human repres...

Web Cross-Browser AI Communication Automation Web App freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:25:16+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 218

Project keys/tags: javascript python data-mining data-entry api

I'm in need of a skilled developer that can create a communication automation web application. This application needs to be compatible with multiple browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, and headless browsers. The primary aim of this project is to automate various communication processes, enhance communication efficiency, and provide AI-powered support. Another crucial aspect of this application is its capacity to collect user information such as name, email address, phone number, and location. Key Skills and Experience: \- Proficiency in cross-browser development, especially with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. \- Strong background in creating AI-powered systems and chatbots. \- Experience in web application development with the ability to ...

App Swift App Library Fix and Update freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:21:28+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 230

Project keys/tags: mobile-app-development iphone-app-development swift objective-c ipad

I'm experiencing functionality bugs with a current library in my Swift app. This is causing slow loading times, particularly in the data processing screens. I need a skilled developer to address these issues, update the app, and improve performance. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Swift development and library troubleshooting.

Web C/C++ Library/API Development Expert freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:17:55+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 218

Project keys/tags: software-architecture c-sharp-programming cplusplus-programming c-programming algorithm

I'm in need of a C/C++ expert for the creation of a library or API. The specific functionality this library or API will serve is yet to be determined, so your input and expertise will be invaluable in shaping its purpose. Skills and Experience Required: \- Proficient in C/C++, with substantial experience in library or API development. \- Ability to design and implement efficient, reusable code. \- Strong problem-solving skills to determine the functionality of the library or API. \- Experience with cross-platform compatibility is a plus.

HTML5 React JS Real Estate Website Development freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:14:27+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 211

Project keys/tags: javascript php react-js html5 react-native

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a real estate website using React JS. This site should cater to individual buyers/sellers, real estate agents, and have admin capabilities. Key Features: \- User Registration and Login: A secure and seamless login system for all user types. \- Property Search and Filter: An intuitive and efficient property searching system. \- Interactive Maps: Incorporation of dynamic maps to visualize property locations. \- Advanced Search Filters: Implementation of sophisticated filters for a personalized search experience. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in React JS, experience in developing interactive web applications, and an understanding of real estate website functionality.

Web Cross-Device Progressive Ai Asisted Web App Development freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:11:13+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 233

Project keys/tags: mobile-app-development android html5 iphone-app-development jquery-prototype

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Progressive Web App (PWA) that can operate across all devices. Key Features: \- User Authentication: The app should have a secure and seamless login process. \- Push Notifications: To keep users engaged and informed, the app needs to incorporate reliable push notifications. \- Offline Access: A key aspect of this PWA is its ability to function without an internet connection. \- Scanning Capabilities: The app should be able to scan items, identify them, and scan barcodes/QR codes for everyday objects. \- Item and Face Recognition: Advanced features will include item recognition and face recognition. Ideal Skills and Experience: \- Proficiency in PWA development \- Experience with implementing user authentication and push notifications \- Knowl...

Algorithm & Library Extending detection range of XeThru X4 UWB radar freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 21:03:56+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 220

Project keys/tags: python cplusplus-programming c-programming electronics electrical-engineering

We are seeking an expert with experience working with the XeThru X4 UWB radar. The X4M03 will be the reference model for this task, and all solutions will be tested against it (see attachment for details). The primary objective is to extend the maximum range of the radar beyond the current 10 meters, with a target range of up to 25 meters. We are open to either of the following solutions: \- Extending the sensor's range to cover 0 to 25 meters within the detection range. \- Or alternatively, maintaining the 10-meter detection range but shifting the starting offset (e.g., from 15 meters to 25 meters, or 20 meters to 30 meters). The expected deliverable is a piece of code (in C++ or Python) that adjusts the necessary configurations or registers to achieve the desired range adjus...

Algorithm & Library simple ASP.NET MVC Menu Management Pages rebuilt freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2024-10-14 20:03:10+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 238

Project keys/tags: c-sharp-programming dot-net asp-net mvc sqlite

I need simple ASP.NET MVC pages for a menu management system in my existing backend project. Key Requirements: \- Develop pages for managing menu items and their options \- Implement functionalities to add, edit, and delete items \- Support for organizing items into categories \- Create a view for item options in a list Bulk Operations: \- Ability to add multiple options to a menu item at once \- Support for updating multiple options in bulk \- Functionality to delete multiple options at once Ideal skills and experience: \- Proficient in ASP.NET MVC \- Experience with backend project integration \- Strong understanding of menu management systems \- Capability to implement bulk operation features.