niQin shared an aphorism: 有些时候我觉得很好笑,那些在我们记忆里占据很小一部分的人,你竟然一辈子都忘不掉。 -- 本杰明·巴顿奇事
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Algorithm & Library 多媒体软件优化 开源众包

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 21:05:01+08:00

Investment: 3000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 164

Project keys/tags: .net unity

一体机多媒体展示软件优化,基本Windows C#开发,需要优化完善几个问题: 1,页面切换闪屏 2,页面内容渲染闪跳 3,透明背景的数据上下滑动列表内容展示

Algorithm & Library 小程序功能微调 开源众包

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:59:34+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 298

Project keys/tags: Not setting


Algorithm & Library 游戏加速IP网站搭建与SDK包定制 开源众包

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:48:11+08:00

Investment: 3500 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 226

Project keys/tags: Not setting

参考网站 量子IP、神龙IP(徐州灵匠、芝麻代理) 熟悉linux系统,各种网络协议。 有深入开发S5、HTTP、PPTP的经验。UDP/TCP 短效、长效、固定、定制、PPTP手机IP软件 可以个人接单,能者长期分成,靠谱的来!

Algorithm & Library spk32ae101功能适配 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:44:59+08:00

Investment: 50000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 237

Project keys/tags: c++ c

笔记本上的一个ec管理的功能模块,主要实现功能如下: 1、上电、关机、重启、休眠、唤醒时序控制; 2、短按电源键开机,长按电源键5秒关机; 3、电池信息的采集及系统实时显示; 4、电池充电控制; 5、ADC电压的采集; 6、风扇的智能调节; 7、OSD按键亮度、音量调节; 8、温度采集、状态灯指示、合盖翻盖检测; 9、笔记本键盘控制; 10、固件升级; 11、ECRAM读取; 因时间相对较急,最好有spk32ae101使用经验。

Algorithm & Library 工具应用 开源众包

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:42:01+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 594

Project keys/tags: Not setting


Algorithm & Library 移动应用 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:38:23+08:00

Investment: 4500 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 567

Project keys/tags: Not setting

岗位技能要求: 1、统招公办本科以上学历,1年以上测试工作经验; 2、熟悉自动化测试理论并有相关测试经验1年以上,如接口/UI自动化等,能主导开展自动化专项测试,至少熟悉掌握一门开发语言,并运用到自动化项目中; 3、掌握某一种或多种专项测试如性能测试、安全测试等; 4、理解沟通能力强、工作积极主动、有团队精神; 5、具备广泛的技术视野和很好的技术前瞻性,对测试行业发展及测试效率提升有自己

Algorithm & Library 自营电商二端完整源码+文档,必须支持二开 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:15:35+08:00

Investment: 4000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 645

Project keys/tags: Not setting

自营电商二端(管理后台、C端小程序)完整源码+文档,必须支持二开。 非功能性要求: 1、技术要求:后端要求.netcore或java(.netcore优先考虑),前端vue.js(vue3优先考虑); 2、版权要求:要求所有源码+文档完整,前后端引用的三方类库与包必须是官方或三方开源的,无版权风险; 3、框架要求:具备先进的技术构架,支持分布式,前后端各功能模块低耦合(支持配置化加载优先); 4、代码风格:要求代码风格良好,代码质量高,能方便进行二开,必须提供二开技术支持。 5、安全要求:系统无安全隐患,特别是涉及到财务部分必须有可靠的安全机制。 功能性要求: 1.C端:附近商家(商家列表,搜索,商家导航),商品列表(搜索),商品详情,交易处理(付款,物流信息,收货,退换货,评价、客服),个人中心(成为会员,会员信息,收货地址管理,我的订单,积分,佣金(佣金提现),分享码 2。平台端:店铺管理(支持多行业模板优先),商品管理,订单管理,会员管理,统计分析(分析流量,会员,交易,商品数据),营销工具(优惠卷,限时秒杀,满减等),财务管理(对账单,提现处理)。 功能性需求不要求完全匹配,但必须满足80%以上。 投标请附带功能清单,成功案例(有线上案例优先),演示地址,技术架构说明。 因项目紧急,要求 **现货** 马上交付,价格视功能匹配度与技术吻合度来定, **不满足以上要求勿扰** !!!

Algorithm & Library 手写文字擦除 AI项目 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:05:20+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 701

Project keys/tags: Not setting

1\. 模型能准确去除文档、试卷上面的手写文字。效果体验:https://ai.youdao.com/handwritingErasure.s#/ 2\. 需要部署到服务器,且使用GPU/CPU来进行推理 3\. 可以使用开源的技术方案 4\. 验收标准: 1\. 效果要达到有道的试卷手写擦除 2\. 1M大小的图片处理速度控制在2秒以内 必须有相关经验才可以,如果有现成的算法就最好了。请添加微信联系

Algorithm & Library Flutter插件编写 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 20:00:58+08:00

Investment: 4500 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 568

Project keys/tags: Not setting

Flutter插件编写 需要根据错题打印机 SDK 的【 IOS (OC)和安卓(java)】驱动,提供提供的方法: 1、 初始化:初始化蓝牙适配器及相关资源。 2、 判断是否授权打开蓝牙:检查蓝牙是否授权。 3、 授权打开蓝牙:请求用户授权打开蓝牙。 4、 扫描蓝牙设备并返回结果:扫描周围的蓝牙设备,并通过回调返回扫描结果。 5、 结束扫描:停止蓝牙设备扫描。 6、 连接设备:连接到指定的蓝牙设备。 7、 断开某个设备连接 8、 打印:进行打印操作。 扫描蓝牙设备并返回结果希望通过流的形式,也就是stream 具体可参考下面两个: 1、https://github.com/amoLink/bluetooth_print_plus 2、https://github.com/Sunil9162/flutter_thermal_printer 代码仓库地址: git地址: https://gitee.com/bing127/mysave_print_plugin_plus

Algorithm & Library Fitness Brand AI System Development freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:50:19+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 8

Project keys/tags: website-design ai-hw-sw user-interface-ia logo-design ai-development

Custom AI System Developer for Fitness Brand I'm looking for an experienced AI developer to build a custom AI system tailored to my personal brand. This AI will be designed to streamline content creation, fitness programming, and social media workflow with features focused on: • Nutrition planning • Muay Thai and fitness routines • Mindset coaching and motivational content • Rope flow tutorials and benefits • Social media content creation and editing assistance Key Requirements: • Integration of tools like ChatGPT API, Canva AI, Synthesia, or similar for content generation. • Incorporation of relevant GitHub tools to enhance efficiency (e.g., video editing frameworks, auto- schedulers, AI content upscaling, etc.). • A user-friendly int...

Algorithm & Library Rust Dev for Solidity to Solana Migration freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:42:10+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 9

Project keys/tags: rust smart-contracts solidity solana binance-smart-chain

I'm seeking a skilled Rust developer to assist with migrating specific functionalities from Solidity on BSC20 to the Solana blockchain. The primary focus of this project is to facilitate a direct transfer of smart contract interactions, token management, and event handling without alterations or enhancements to the existing functionalities. This project is intended for the development of a DeFi application on Solana. Ideal Skills and Experience: \- Proficiency in Rust programming language \- Extensive experience with Solidity and BSC20 \- Deep understanding of smart contracts, token management, and event handling \- Prior experience in developing DeFi applications on Solana \- Ability to perform a direct, unaltered migration of functionalities

Algorithm & Library WooCommerce Electronics Components Ecommerce Site freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:39:05+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 9

Project keys/tags: javascript html css wordpress woocommerce

I'm looking to establish a WooCommerce-based ecommerce website for my electronics components shop. The primary aim of this site is to effectively showcase our product range. Key Features: \- Product Pages: Each product page should feature high-quality images to display our products in detail. Ideal Skills: \- Proficiency in WooCommerce \- Ecommerce website development experience \- Skills in high-quality image integration I don't necessarily need the site to drive sales immediately, but it should be designed with the potential for future growth and sales optimization.

Algorithm & Library Jr. Swift Developer2 -- 3 freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:31:17+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 10

Project keys/tags: iphone-app-development swift

I HAVE CODE IN TEXT FILE - BUT ALSO HAVE GITHUB. So this is testing and troubleshooting I'm developing a Flutter app that will use native IOS AVFoundation for camera code. Below are the items i'm looking to add to my Existing starter project. Looking for someone to collaborate with me closely on the project. 1\. **Video Capture** \- **AVCaptureSession**: Use `AVCaptureSession` to manage the flow of data from input devices (like the camera) to outputs. \- **AVCaptureDevice**: Select and configure the camera as the input device. \- **AVCaptureVideoDataOutput**: This output allows you to access each frame of video data as it's captured. You can use a delegate method to process each frame. 2\. **Buffering Frames with DispatchQueue** \- **CMSampleBuffer**: Each frame is captured a...

Algorithm & Library Laravel 11 & Vue.js 3 Developer for Authentication and CRUD Setup freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:27:08+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 17

Project keys/tags: php mysql typescript vue-js laravel

Description: I have a project using Laravel 11 as the backend and Vue.js 3 as the frontend, integrated with a pre-defined theme. The project leverages Vite for module bundling and automatic Vue Router for route management. I am looking for a developer to collaborate with me on completing the following tasks: Project Setup: Install and configure the project on my system or server. Authentication: Implement register (website/register) and login (website/login) pages. Use Laravel Passport for authentication. Login with username or mail CRUD Functionality: Create a CRUD and index interface for the units table with the following structure: id: Primary key name: String is_active: Boolean created_at: Timestamp updated_at: Timestamp We will work on this project together, allowing us to exchan...

Algorithm & Library Radio Frequency Monitoring System freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:20:32+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 17

Project keys/tags: python raspberry-pi wireless-radio-frequency-engineering

We need a developer to tweak existing open-source software for monitoring radio frequencies (3 MHz to 3 GHz) using HackRF SDR on Raspberry Pi 5. Key Requirements: Modifications to existing open-source software. Ensure compatibility with HackRF and Raspberry Pi 5. Efficient performance and low latency. Provide updated documentation for setup and usage. Deliverables: Software package with source code. Updated installation guide.

Algorithm & Library Collaborate with us freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:12:07+08:00

Investment: 1000 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 18

Project keys/tags: react-js vue-js golang postgresql video-services

Join Us as a Collaborative Partner - Ghion CompanyWe are Ghion Company, a dynamic and innovative team of experts specializing in:Web Application Development & Website DesignDigital MarketingMobile Application DevelopmentPhoto & Video EditingWe're seeking a long-term collaboration with professionals or agencies who can provide us with consistent projects. In return, we deliver top-notch, production-ready solutions with a commitment to excellence. We offer a seamless workflow, ensuring timely delivery and high- quality Partner with Us?Expert team with a passion for innovationProven track record of delivering exceptional resultsReady to work on a monthly payment basis in USDJoin hands with Ghion Company, and let's create outstanding digital solutions together!Send us a messa...

Algorithm & Library UPI Intent Button Integration with QR Code freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:10:06+08:00

Investment: 700 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 10

Project keys/tags: javascript php android html nodejs

I'm looking for a developer to integrate a fixed amount UPI intent button into my website using Razorpay. The website should also generate a corresponding QR code for the payment amount (e.g., 10 INR). Key Requirements: \- The payment button should trigger a link to UPI apps when clicked. \- The payment amount should be fixed. Skills and Experience: \- Proficiency in web development. \- Previous experience with Razorpay integration. \- Understanding of UPI payment systems. \- Ability to implement QR code functionality. \- Knowledge of creating interactive payment buttons on websites.

Algorithm & Library Meta Developer Platform & Instagram API Setup freelancer Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 19:04:12+08:00

Investment: 600 dollars (USD) - Negotiated Hits: 18

Project keys/tags: javascript ui-design api-integration instagram-api

I'm seeking a professional to assist me with setting up an app on the Meta developer platform, integrating Instagram account linking functionality, and configuring the Instagram API for user engagement purposes. Key Responsibilities: \- Assist in the setup of an app on the Meta developer platform focusing on user engagement. \- Implement functionality for linking both Instagram business and personal accounts to my application. \- Help configure the Instagram API with necessary endpoints like instagram_basic, instagram_manage_insights, pages_read_engagement. Skills and Experience Required: \- Proven experience with the Meta developer platform. \- Strong knowledge of the Instagram API, particularly endpoints related to insights and analytics. \- Previous work involving the integration of ...

Algorithm & Library 视频素材网站项目开发 开源众包 Recommended

Data aggregation at 2025-01-15 12:20:33+08:00

Investment: 5000 yuan (CNY) - Negotiated Hits: 545

Project keys/tags: Not setting

# **产品需求文档** ## **1\. 项目概述** ### **1.1 项目名称** 多功能素材交易与AI创作平台 ### **1.2 项目背景** 随着短视频和AI创作技术的发展,越来越多的个人和企业需要高质量的视频、图片和AI生成内容。许多创作者希望通过销售自己的作品来获得收益。本项目旨在构建一个平台,让用户可以方便地购买、上传和出售视频、图片及AI生成的素材。参考vjshi.com和ai生成网站 ### **1.3 目标用户** * 短视频创作者(包括个人和公司) * 摄影师和摄像师 * 平面设计师 * AI艺术家 * 广告公司及市场营销团队 * 教育机构 ## **2\. 功能需求** ### **2.1 用户注册与登录** * 支持手机注册和第三方账号登录(如微信) ### **2.2 用户主页** * 买家主页:展示已购买的素材和收藏夹 * 卖家主页:展示上传的素材、销售情况分析和收入统计 ### **2.3 素材浏览与搜索** * 分类浏览:按类别(视频、图片、AI绘画)、标签、热门程度等分类 * 搜索功能:支持关键字搜索及高级筛选(价格区间、分辨率、时长等) ### **2.4 素材详情页** * 展示素材预览(缩略图或视频片段) * 详细信息(标题、描述、类别、标签、价格、授权类型等) * 用户评论和评分 * 相关素材推荐 ### **2.5 购物车与结算** * 支持将多件素材添加到购物车 * 安全支付接口(支持微信支付宝等) ### **2.6 素材上传与管理** * 支持视频、图片及AI绘画文件上传,包含批量上传功能 * 上传过程中的自动格式校验(大小、格式) * 填写素材详细信息(标题、描述、类别、标签、价格、授权类型等) * 素材审核机制,确保质量和合规性 * 一键出售功能,简化出售流程 ### **2.7 AI创作** * 提供AI绘画和视频生成工具 * 支持用户利用AI工具创作并出售作品 ### **2.8 用户互动** * 评论和评分系统 * 消息通知(交易状态更新、评论回复等) ### **2.9 数据统计与分析** * 销售数据展示(总销量、收入、热销素材等) * 用户行为分析(浏览量、下载量、访问时间等) ### **2.10 多设备支持** * 网站架构需兼容网页PC端和移动端 * 提供小程序和APP版本,以适应不同使用场景 ### **2.11 黑白模式** * 支持用户切换黑白模式,提升视觉舒适度 ### **2.12 SaaS化平台** * 平台采用SaaS模式,便于拓展和维护 * 支持多个商户入驻,提供定制化服务 ## **3\. 非功能需求** ### **3.1 性能需求** * 高并发支持,保证同时多用户访问不卡顿 * 快速响应时间,页面加载时间不超过3秒 ### **3.2 可用性需求** * 简洁友好的用户界面 * 提供详尽的用户帮助文档及在线客服支持,可外链 ### **3.3 可移植性需求** * 网站需兼容主流浏览器(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge等) * 手机端适配,提供良好的移动端体验