niQin shared an aphorism: 为何天意总让年轻人承载悲痛?我不知道。但我想年龄会加深所有的情感,包括悲痛。 -- 电影《利刃出鞘》
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Algorithm & Library Smart Contract Audit for RUST and/or SOLIDITY freelancer

Data aggregation at 2025-02-05 10:02:31+08:00

Hits: 40

💥 Project Description

Investment: 900 dollars (USD) - Negotiated

Development duration: 4 days

Project keys/tags: rust smart-contracts solidity ethereum solana

Hello everybody , all good ? I have clients who would like to perform multiple audit to look at and find possible vulnerabilities in their smart contracts.(SOLANA and EVM), per batch of 20 smart contracts. So I am looking for someone who is familiar with RUST on Solana and SOLIDITY on EVM programming. The goal is to achieve perfect code, that is, to find any error or flaw in the coding to avoid all any future mishaps. If you find any errors in the Smart contracts, I will ask you to provide a solution to fix the problem of course ^^. And for sure, depending on the vulnerability and risk, a bonus may be granted to you. The only condition I ask is only a simple and clear answer, in the form of a form to make it easier to read. # Severity Level (1to4)= # Brief : # Vulnerabilities Detai…

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💥 Recruitment conditions

Recruitment role: Person - Engineer

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💥 Contact information

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