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niQin shared an aphorism: 这是极为特殊的历史转折期,物质文明发展到这一步注定了精神(信仰)的缺失,灵魂空虚、物欲横流,人们的精神堕入虚无主义,只能沉浸在金钱物质欲望和肉体感官刺激中,有各种不安和痛苦。多少年轻人也失去了纯真的理想和纯美的爱情。这绝不仅是我们这个星球上的生命的悲剧,而是任何一种生命在文明发展进程中注定的悲哀。生命的意义到底是什么?我们到底该怎样活着? -- 《重大人生启示录 - 前言》
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Design 机器人类公司官网静态首页设计(静态单网页)

3000 yuan (CNY) | 10 days

### 机器人类公司官网首页设计 - 唯一风格要求:最简约的公司产品静态展示网页; - 静态的单网页,主要是制作网站静态主页。标准 HTML5 代码,无第三方 JavaScript 插件代码最佳; - 公司产品规划很少,因此希望布局简约,方便客户、访客查阅,以及最大化给访问者展示; - 公司产品正在制造生产中,因此需要进行图片创作、优化,当然将来还会找接单者迭代; - 接单者无地域要求,要求为个人接单。 ### 流程和费用 - 可根据繁琐程度协商费用; - 分批支付报酬。

Education & Training 制作开源+免费(CC协议且鼓励免费分发传播)的书籍/文档的 HTML 版本

10000 yuan (CNY) | 60 days

### 书籍/文档的 HTML 版本 - 制作过程很简单,将 markdown 类文件用书籍/文档制作工具编译为 html 即可; - 开源+免费(CC协议且鼓励免费分发传播)的书籍/文档,如各编程语言的教程、开源类库的文档、各种工具的使用教程、CC 协议的共享书籍等等; - 中文版+英文版,对于书籍/文档的搜索有技巧和心得; - 单件支付酬劳,即使仅制作单个书籍/文档的 HTML 文档,也可合作; - 须为标准 html 文档,尽量少的 JavaScript 代码; - 有其它要求,请联系沟通; ### 流程和费用 - 根据繁琐程度协商费用; - 无限期,长期寻求合作者;

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Web Fast BTC UTXO Scanner Development - Python3

600 dollars (USD) | 4 days | python blockchain

I'm looking for a developer who can create a super fast Python3 Bitcoin UTXO scanner with the following specifications: \- Main Purpose: The primary function of the scanner needs to be detecting unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs). This is crucial for my project. \- Network Support: The scanner should only support the Bitcoin mainnet. The testnet is not required for this project. \- Details Retrieval: The scanner should be capable of retrieving the amount of BTC from the UTXOs. OUTPUT: Python3 Dockerfile(s) I can run to keep an updated index, and query to get balance fast (i.e. up to at least 10.000 requests/minute intraserver) . The ideal candidate for this job should have extensive experience with blockchain development, specifically with the Bitcoin network. They should also have a...

App Android App Porting to iOS

900 dollars (USD) | 7 days | mobile-app-development android iphone-app-development swift objective-c

I need an experienced developer to port my Android app to iOS. The Android app is currently quite basic, mostly displaying information, but I would like to add some more advanced features to the iOS version. The core features that need to be replicated include user authentication, push notifications, and in- app purchases. Ideal Skills: \- Proficient in Swift and Kotlin \- Experienced in cross-platform app development \- Knowledgeable in implementing push notifications and in-app purchases Please, include in your bid examples of similar projects you've completed.

Web Modern WordPress Portfolio Website Development -- 2

1000 dollars (USD) | 6 days | php html website-design graphic-design wordpress

I'm looking for a skilled web developer with extensive WordPress experience to create a modern-style portfolio/showcase website for me. The website will comprise of 20 to 25 pages and should be based on a suitable WordPress template. Key Requirements: \- The site needs to have contact forms and image sliders. \- Social media integration is not necessary but a basic understanding of it could be beneficial for future updates. \- The design should be modern and clean. I should be able to update the content myself once the site is launched, so a solid understanding of WordPress's CMS is crucial. Previous experience in developing similar portfolio sites will be highly regarded. Please provide examples of such work in your proposal. I would also like the freelancer to sign an NDA to e...

Algorithm & Library Data Engineer for Crypto Sentiment Analysis

3098 dollars (USD) | 15 days | python big-data aws-lambda nlp etl

Project Name: Data Engineer | ETL Pipelines & Sentiment Analysis for Crypto Project Description: We are looking for a Data Engineer to develop ETL pipelines and build a multi-language news scraper for sentiment analysis in the crypto market. The ideal candidate should have experience handling large datasets, optimizing storage solutions, and implementing efficient data pipelines. Key Responsibilities: • Create ETL pipelines for historical OHLCV + social media data. • Develop a multi-language news scraper (20+ languages). • Optimize vector database storage for efficient retrieval. • Implement real- time streaming data processing. Tech Stack: • Data Processing: Apache Airflow, Apache Kafka, Spark • Database: PostgreSQL, Pinecone (Vector DB) • C...

Game Roblox In-Game Shop Development

1000 dollars (USD) | 6 days | game-development lua coding

I'm looking for an experienced Roblox developer to enhance our in-game shop. The UI is already designed, so your task will primarily involve scripting the addition of various weapons and tools to the shop. Key Responsibilities: \- Coding the in-game shop to include a diverse range of weapons and tools. \- Ensuring smooth integration with our pre-existing UI. \- Implementing robust database management for the shop's inventory. Ideal Skills and Experience: \- Extensive experience with Roblox coding, particularly in game mechanics and UI interaction. \- Proficiency in database management. \- A strong understanding of game design and player engagement. \- Previous experience in developing in- game shops is a plus.

Algorithm & Library حل لمشكلة اغلاق حسابات الفيسبوك - 09/02/2025 17:45 EST

600 dollars (USD) | 6 days | php software-architecture c-sharp-programming mysql dot-net

لدي كود يقوم بسحب الاكسس توكن من الفيسبوك لكن لدي مشكلة انه يقوم بغلق الحسابات محتاج طريقة متقفلش الاكونت التوكن في صلاحيات النشر علي الجروبات واستخراج ايديهات الاعضاء والمتفاعلين وارسال رسائل ماسنجر اريد حل لعدم قفل حسابات الفيسبوك Freelancer must have experience with: \- Facebook API \- Access token permissions \- Automation tools The goal is to find a solution that allows me to continue using my access token without my accounts being closed.

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Web Fast BTC UTXO Scanner Development - Python3

600 dollars (USD) | 4 days | python blockchain

I'm looking for a developer who can create a super fast Python3 Bitcoin UTXO scanner with the following specifications: \- Main Purpose: The primary function of the scanner needs to be detecting unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs). This is crucial for my project. \- Network Support: The scanner should only support the Bitcoin mainnet. The testnet is not required for this project. \- Details Retrieval: The scanner should be capable of retrieving the amount of BTC from the UTXOs. OUTPUT: Python3 Dockerfile(s) I can run to keep an updated index, and query to get balance fast (i.e. up to at least 10.000 requests/minute intraserver) . The ideal candidate for this job should have extensive experience with blockchain development, specifically with the Bitcoin network. They should also have a...

App Android App Porting to iOS

900 dollars (USD) | 7 days | mobile-app-development android iphone-app-development swift objective-c

I need an experienced developer to port my Android app to iOS. The Android app is currently quite basic, mostly displaying information, but I would like to add some more advanced features to the iOS version. The core features that need to be replicated include user authentication, push notifications, and in- app purchases. Ideal Skills: \- Proficient in Swift and Kotlin \- Experienced in cross-platform app development \- Knowledgeable in implementing push notifications and in-app purchases Please, include in your bid examples of similar projects you've completed.

Web Modern WordPress Portfolio Website Development -- 2

1000 dollars (USD) | 6 days | php html website-design graphic-design wordpress

I'm looking for a skilled web developer with extensive WordPress experience to create a modern-style portfolio/showcase website for me. The website will comprise of 20 to 25 pages and should be based on a suitable WordPress template. Key Requirements: \- The site needs to have contact forms and image sliders. \- Social media integration is not necessary but a basic understanding of it could be beneficial for future updates. \- The design should be modern and clean. I should be able to update the content myself once the site is launched, so a solid understanding of WordPress's CMS is crucial. Previous experience in developing similar portfolio sites will be highly regarded. Please provide examples of such work in your proposal. I would also like the freelancer to sign an NDA to e...

Algorithm & Library Data Engineer for Crypto Sentiment Analysis

3098 dollars (USD) | 15 days | python big-data aws-lambda nlp etl

Project Name: Data Engineer | ETL Pipelines & Sentiment Analysis for Crypto Project Description: We are looking for a Data Engineer to develop ETL pipelines and build a multi-language news scraper for sentiment analysis in the crypto market. The ideal candidate should have experience handling large datasets, optimizing storage solutions, and implementing efficient data pipelines. Key Responsibilities: • Create ETL pipelines for historical OHLCV + social media data. • Develop a multi-language news scraper (20+ languages). • Optimize vector database storage for efficient retrieval. • Implement real- time streaming data processing. Tech Stack: • Data Processing: Apache Airflow, Apache Kafka, Spark • Database: PostgreSQL, Pinecone (Vector DB) • C...

Game Roblox In-Game Shop Development

1000 dollars (USD) | 6 days | game-development lua coding

I'm looking for an experienced Roblox developer to enhance our in-game shop. The UI is already designed, so your task will primarily involve scripting the addition of various weapons and tools to the shop. Key Responsibilities: \- Coding the in-game shop to include a diverse range of weapons and tools. \- Ensuring smooth integration with our pre-existing UI. \- Implementing robust database management for the shop's inventory. Ideal Skills and Experience: \- Extensive experience with Roblox coding, particularly in game mechanics and UI interaction. \- Proficiency in database management. \- A strong understanding of game design and player engagement. \- Previous experience in developing in- game shops is a plus.

Algorithm & Library حل لمشكلة اغلاق حسابات الفيسبوك - 09/02/2025 17:45 EST

600 dollars (USD) | 6 days | php software-architecture c-sharp-programming mysql dot-net

لدي كود يقوم بسحب الاكسس توكن من الفيسبوك لكن لدي مشكلة انه يقوم بغلق الحسابات محتاج طريقة متقفلش الاكونت التوكن في صلاحيات النشر علي الجروبات واستخراج ايديهات الاعضاء والمتفاعلين وارسال رسائل ماسنجر اريد حل لعدم قفل حسابات الفيسبوك Freelancer must have experience with: \- Facebook API \- Access token permissions \- Automation tools The goal is to find a solution that allows me to continue using my access token without my accounts being closed.

Algorithm & Library Writing Project -- 3

600 dollars (USD) | 6 days | golang technical-writing book-writing ai-writing

I'm looking for someone with strong knowledge in Golang to write a book in French aimed for experienced developers who want to learn this programming language (about 400 000 chars, spaces included). It is highly recommended that you use AI to write this book, as hourly prices are currently very competitive. I already have the table of contents on a Google Document with a few example pages. You will continue writing on this document. Content must include code examples and follow the existing style. Content must be 100% plagiarism-free, as I will scan it using several anti-plagiarism tools. Please DM me directly with the full fixed price as well as an approximate deadline.

Web Scrape TV Channel Web Site Schedules

700 dollars (USD) | 5 days | web-scraping data-scraping data-mining full-stack-development selenium

I need someone to scrape television show times data from different web sites schedules for 80 TV Channels. I need data for weekdays and weekends for each tv channel. The info can be put into a single CSV or JSON file. All data must be in UTC+0 and have the show name and times and reflect different shows for weekdays vs weekends for each tv channel. This must be done quickly and you must stay in my budget. You will need to scrape show info and times for all my channels from different sites and put all 81 channel data into file for me. You can get the names of my tv channels @ The list of tv channel schedule urls can be found @ The requirements are: * Adhere to a 1-2 day deadline. * Use a UTC + 0 timezone for the file. Each TV Channel has a different time zone for their TV GUIDE - ...

App Smart Glasses Karaoke App Development

1000 dollars (USD) | 5 days | mobile-app-development android iphone-app-development graphic-design objective-c

I'm seeking an experienced app developer to create a unique karaoke application for smart glasses: RayNeo X2 AR. This app should primarily focus on real-time lyrics display in a scrolling text format. Key Features: \- Real- time Lyrics Display: The app should sync with the user's singing, displaying the lyrics in real-time on the smart glasses. \- Scrolling Text: Lyrics should be displayed as scrolling text, mimicking traditional karaoke screens. \- User-Uploaded Songs: The app needs to support a personalized song library, with the ability for users to upload their own tracks. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in developing applications for smart glasses, ideally with a background in creating interactive or entertainment-focused software. Knowledge...